Want a family fun way of attracting birds for no money and just a little effort?
Create a temporary brush pile in your back yard for the winter and spring located near your bird feeder and watch as they fly back and forth to eat and then shelter. All your back yard feeder birds need 3 things for winter survival, food, water, & a safe shelter from weather and other predator birds. It doesn’t have to be pretty or big to function well, just cut or gather a collection of limbs and branches into a pile 6 to 10 feet in diameter and 2 to 3 feet high. Arrange some of your largest branches parallel on the ground, with space between to create tunnels for larger birds.
Brush piles create a sanctuary for birds as well as other wildlife too, (salamanders, snakes, turtles, small mammals and more) all of which need a helping hand. A properly built brush pile provides a place for our feeder birds to hide from their many predators. Just build it and they will come & it will attract birds almost as soon as you finish! If it is near your feeder, you can observe many different kinds of feeder birds flying back and forth all day long. For more information on this subject, I have attached a link to birdseedandbinoculars.com called Build Brush Piles for Birds.